Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Clever and Creative Products

FOOT IN THE DOORwe ALL need a foot in the doorViaEQUAL MEASUREkitchen measurements in a whole new lightViaLUCKEYthe key to thirstViaFINGERFOODultimate party multi-taskingViaPICK YOUR NOSE™ PARTY ANIMALSturn your nose into something WILDViaFOOD FACEmake...
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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

New Apartment Pics

It's been challenging to say the least to work on decorating my apartment while keeping up with all my other work projects.  That's definitely why only one side is finished or maybe I should say mostly finished.  I am sure I will make more...
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Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Blass Act

Since I mentioned fashion designer Bill Blass in my last post, I thought his One Sutton Place apartment deserved a little love.  I've found a lot more photos of the elegant apartment since I first wrote about it in 2008.  I still...
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