Jumat, 29 April 2011

Home plan and elevation 1950 Sq. Ft

Ground floor area:1550 Sq. ft.First floor area:400 Sq. ft.Total plinth area:1950 Sq. ft.Click on the picture for larger versionArchitect : Koshy AssociatesA2, Mahaniam,9/10, Arunachalapuram StreetAminjikarai, Chennai - 29Cell - 9444122...
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Home plan and elevation 2670 Sq. Ft

Ground floor area:1756 Sq. ft.First floor area:914 Sq. ft.Total plinth area:2670 Sq. ft.Click on the picture for larger versionDesigner:Er.Suhail Nizam.Marikkar DesignersFirst floor,IT Trade CentreRajiv Gandhi Bypass, ManjeriMob:09895368181Email:suh...
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Kamis, 28 April 2011

Modern house plan 2000 Sq. Ft

Ground Floor-1350 Sq. FtFirst Floor-650 Sq. FtTotal Area-2000 Sq. FtArchitect : Koshy AssociatesA2, Mahaniam,9/10, Arunachalapuram StreetAminjikarai, Chennai - 29Cell - 9444122...
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Rabu, 27 April 2011

Electrolux Design Lab competition focuses on creative solutions for compact living.

The 2010 edition of the Electrolux Design Lab competition focuses on creative solutions for compact living. The 2010 brief asked industrial design students to consider how people will prepare and store food, wash clothes, and do dishes in the homes of...
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Indian style sweet home 3d designs

Architect : Praveen.MCivil Engineer: Prasanth.K.Pmoyacheri (ho)kottakkalvatakara(via)keralaindia04962275234(house)+91 9645457494,+91 8943241759+91 9388744505Email:praveenarchitect.m32@gmail.comPrasanth....
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Selasa, 26 April 2011

Home plan and elevation 2302 Sq. Ft

Ground floor area:1552 Sq. ft.First floor area:750 Sq. ft.Total plinth area:2302 Sq. ft.Architect:Er.Suhail Nizam.Marikkar DesignersFirst floor,IT Trade CentreRajiv Gandhi Bypass, ManjeriMob:09895368181Email:suhailnisam@gmail....
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Senin, 25 April 2011

Home plan and elevation 1900 Sq. Ft

Ground floor area:1440 Sq. ftFirst floor area:575 Sq. ftTotal plinth area:1900Sq. ftDesigner: Noufel KollamMob:09388764861Email:nowfalsite@gmail....
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Senin, 18 April 2011

Home plan and elevation 2367 Sq. Ft

Ground floor area:1575.00SqftFirst floor area:792.00SqftTotal plinth area:2367.00SqftArchitect:Er.Suhail nizam.Marikkar designersFirst floor,it trade centrerajiv gandhi bypass. manjerimob:09895368181Email:suhailnisam@gmail....
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Kamis, 14 April 2011

Home elevation 1500 Sq. Ft

Ground Floor900 sqft-1 bed room attached,sitout,sitting,dining,kitchen,w/a,toiletFirst Floor600 sqft -2 bed room attached,sitting, 2 balcony(one common,other onein bed room)Total floor area-1500 sq. ft3 bed room (all attached),sitout,sitting,dining,kitchen,w/aArchitect...
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Rabu, 13 April 2011

The Kitchen of the Future

Electrolux challenged Masters students at the Domus Academy in Milan, to rethink kitchen appliances. Nine concepts, based on existing technology that consider sustainability and culture under the theme of ‘ReSource’, are presented here to coincide with...
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Senin, 11 April 2011

Home plan and elevation 2634 Sq. Ft

Ground Floor - 1173 Sq. FtUpper Floor - 1461 Sq. FtTotal Area - 2634 Sq. FtDesigner: T.L.M Ismail094 0778466644 / 094 0714418216azeetha7@yahoo....
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Jumat, 01 April 2011

North Indian Home Design Elevation

DetailsTotal Area = 3000.00 Sft,First Floor = 1200.00 Sft.Ground Floor = 1800.00 Sft.4 Bed , Servent quarter, Drawing , Living kitchen/ stone, 5 Bathrooms Engineer : Asif MirzaUdaipur, RajasthanPH: 9928108227Email:asifbeigmirza@gmail....
READ MORE - North Indian Home Design Elevation